Tuesday, April 17, 2007

John Edwards's changing tune on the Iraq vote - The Boston Globe

As the Globe reports, John Edward's efforts to cast himself as a war apologist are pure opportunism. In 2004 he counseled Kerry not to appologize. Apparently he doesn't think is vote was a mistake unless it will cost him votes.

read more | digg story

Monday, April 16, 2007

BARACK'S BILLS HINT OF CLINTON PINCHIN' By IAN BISHOP Post Correspondent - Nationalnews - New York Post Online Edition

Every time you hear someone say that Obama leads on the issues and Hillary just follows, rememember this article, which shows that Obama has been padding his resume by copying and repackaging Hillary's bills and policy initiatives since starting his White House run. Hillary is the leader others follow. That's why she has always been in the lead. Spread the truth.